Donate Instruments

Our friends have partnered with us to make donating easier for you. Below are just a few locations that are accepting donations for IA.

Fill out the form below if you have a large amount of instruments/accessories to donate. We work with a network of volunteers to help get donations to the correct locations.

When leaving instruments at one of our drop-off locations, please provide the donors name and e-mail address in the instrument case, as well as email us letting us know you have dropped off, and where. This way we can thank the proper donors and the donors can receive a tax receipt via email from one of our volunteers.

Thank you, everyone!

Instrument Donation Form

Please note that we do not accept the donation of acoustic pianos, electric organs, or sheet music.  We are not able to offer a pickup service.  You may drop off your donation during business hours at one of our drop-off locations, set up a time to drop it off at our home, or ship it to us (at your expense).